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Sara Moore

On Turning 40

I turned 40 yesterday.  My mom always told me that the day I was born was so cold with such a blue sky.  And that when she and my dad left the house to head to the hospital he stopped at the door and said, "Can you hear that?  It's the last time it's going to be quiet in here."  She told me that story every year on my birthday.

I've been excited to turn 40.  I have lived through a lot of stuff, learned so much and have met some amazing people and animals in this first part of my life.  I like to kind of take inventory at the end of a year, and yesterday I realized how much I have accomplished in the past year as well as the past 39 years combined.  I've traveled to France, England, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Wales, Switzerland and toured a lot of the US.  I've skied in Colorado, all over New England, Utah and Oregon.  I've scuba dived and even done an ice dive.  I actually have my SCUBA search and rescue training but never did anything with it.  I've run aquatic facilities, was a personal trainer for 16 years, I have played hockey on both womens and coed leagues and have hiked throughout the White Mountains.  I have swum across lakes and sailed up and down the Maine coast. 

In the past 40 years I have loved and hated my parents.  (c'mon; I was a teenager, remember?)   I have stood over my mothers body in a coffin and said goodbye to her while others grieved along side me.  I have spoken with her since then and am raisng a beautiful son and just turned 7.  I've been married and divorced.  I've had true love, lost it, found it, lost it, found it.  Maybe even more times than that.  Maybe less.  I'm not really sure.  But its been there!  I've run the gammut of emotions and have come out the other end every time.  Thank God.  

I've been a non believer, I've scoffed at the thought of God, I've seen God, I've talked to angels and I've told others how they can do it.  I've met people who have touched me so deeply they're forever engrained in my soul.  I've had the same effect on some people.  Others have been quite glad to see me walk away!  

The next 40 years are going to be spectacular.  I'm planning some big things for this part!  I will have a center where we teach others how to do this, I will continue to learn how to do what I do better and in ways that serve a greater good.  I'm going to be on the Ellen Show. (she doesn't seem to know that yet) I will take time to connect with my spirit and incorporate things that bring me and others joy.  I will show my son how to be a good person.  How to be polite, appreciative,  how to live with love.  I will teach him that life is vibrant and awesome.  And I will hold his hands and his heart during harder times.  But I will be there for him always.  In the next 40 years I will travel and in this year I will find a way to go to an all inclusive resort and sit on a beach and read books.  For a week.  With someone I really enjoy being around!  

There's so much more I'm going to do but I guess I should get started.  Happy birthday to me!  Here's to the next 40.  May they be even more rewarding than the first.



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