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Sara Moore

On Track

I am not the psychic that sits and reads books on what I do.  In college I read books on paganism simply because it fascinated me that the "witchy" holidays and celebrations were so similar to the "religious" ones I'd been taught as a child, but they made more sense to me.  I read books by Silver Ravenwolf and some other people I've long since forgotten the names of.  Then I read The Other Side and Back by Sylvia Browne in around 1999, and that really got me turned on to all the stuff I do today.  Sometimes I feel a little left out of the pyschic click because I can't really name drop and can't tetll you what the REAL people say about how we came to be, or what the angels names are, or why solar flares can really mess with our energy.

But I do know this.  I absolutely love what I do and I am blessed to be given the answers I need during readings.  Sometimes this means I talk about soul groups, other times I'll tell someone how to connect with the angels and perhaps even give them ways to raise their vibration to really let them flow through you.  I love when messages about clearing spirits come in or when I get to teach people how to do what I do.  Lately, a lot has come through about the huge energetic shifts that are happening.  Again, this is one of those areas that I haven't been researching all my life by reading up on it or watching movies about it.  I laugh as I type that, because I guess every day of my life could be considered research on some level! 

I am on track.  I am validated in every reading when information flows through me and out of my mouth, and when clients come back to thank me.  Compared to even a year ago, I'm feeling much more content with where I am.  My son Z is now nine, and he's been so silly and playful lately!  We are having fun!!!  Anyone raising an intuitive and often times self righteous child will know that it not always easy to do...  I have raised thousands for non profits that help animals, and that feels really good.  This past year I've been covered by more than a half dozen different media outlets, with another interview airing tomorrow on WGME channel 13 in Maine.  I got to perform a wedding ceremony on the coast of Maine.  I've opened two offices and both are doing exceptionally well!   I have worked with grieving parents, pet owners, parents about to welcome new life into this world and specialists in the medical and psychology fields to find alternative ways to help their patients,  My relationship with my family feels good, my perspective on work and play feels like it's becoming more in balance, and at this moment I love that I am sitting in my house with two cats curled up beside me and banana bread baking in the oven. 

I guess this is all part of the big shift people keep mentioning.  I'm shifting, but I'm on track, so it feels comfortable.  When things feel really overwhelming take a moment to understand why.  When you have the faith that you are at least doing what you came here to do changes are easier to embrace.   And when you have a moment like the one I'm having, stop and celebrate it.  It feels really good and appreciating where you are can open the doors for the future!

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