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On Things to Come

Sara Moore

Happy New Year!


     I am excited for the year 2011 and spent some time on New Years eve reflecting on the challenges and accomplishments that brought me to the doorstep of the new year.  Its funny how I always look back and think it wasn't such a big year, but then am completely surprised at how much actually happened.  In 2010 I left a job, focused on my career as an animal communicator,  traveled on weekends to dog and horse shows, became a hypnotist and met some incredible people who have become a wonderful support network and dear friends. 


     I have never been much of a person for new years resolutions.  In fact, I don't like them!  This year I made a list of my intentions for 2011 instead.  I'm sure it's not a complete list, but it was a very interesting exercise that produced a rather profound emotional reaction that I was not expecting.  My list included giving my 5 year old son Zachary more undivided attention with more time together on hikes and exploring nature.  I hope to have an abundance of clients, both dog and people, who gain something wonderful from information I can help them access.  I also want to teach others to do what I do and spread the knowledge that Reiki can be done by anyone and that it produces good and harmony between all things living.  I want to hike, bike, swim and run, to be healthy and strong.  I want to make enough to be able to give back to others without the expectation of receiving anything in return.  I want happiness, fun, joy, fulfillment, love, friends, family time and time to paint , garden and read. 


     During my intention manifesting new years eve anti resolution journaling, I also envisioned a day in my life this summer.  It was incredible.  It was so good I envisioned a whole week!  I was rested and busy at the end of my projected week.  I was surrounded by positive people and the time to enjoy their company.  My garden was huge and providing us with more veggies and flowers than ever imagined!  I had grateful clients who shared their experiences with others, generating a marketing campain that no money could buy.  I saw myself in the ocean (in a wetsuit- brrrrr!) with Zachary riding the waves.  One evening a week I met up with friends and share and celebrate our lives.  I was successful.


    I awoke on January 1, 2011 expecting to 'feel" different.  I can't say any huge changes happened overnight,  but hiking up Foss Mountain that afternoon I could tell that my spirit was open and ready for what 2011 had in store.  I even found a beautiful piece of crystal on the top of Foss that will always remind me of the feeling I had at that exact moment.  I am doing my best to manifest my intentions and will continue to share my gifts with others.  I wish you all the best in the new year and welcome you to be a part of my journey.






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