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  • Sara Moore

My Brain's Loaded!


I participated in the largest Hypnosis Conference in the world this weekend, which happens to be held 20 mintues from my dads house in MA.  Now I've been in the fitness industry and attended conferences with the healthy fit people wearing tight clothing bouncing around to aerobic music.  I've been in Vegas at an afterschool conference with cops, judges and a few of us after school folks learning how we can better serve the youth of America in after school programs.  I've done the management touchy feely ones where you do team bonding activities while secretely thinking I could have led them....  This one was a whole new experience for me.  I don't know what I thought I'd be walking in to, but it turned out it was just a normal group of people learning really cool stuff.  Of course there were the angry people who muttered under their breath that they can't believe there's a line, or they couldn't hear the presenter (as they sat in the back row).  There were the people who felt the need to contribute to every point made by the lecturer and in some ways sidetracked the entire group.  And there were the people, like me, who were pretty much there to take it all in and see what we could do to make us better and more confident "Consulting Hypnotists."

Yeah, that's right.  I'm a "Consutling Hypnotist."  The title cracks me up, but I am licensed through the National Guild and can help people with lots of different issues.  Here's a funny story.  I took a weight loss seminar with Jacob Bimblich.  He looked familiar, and I realized he was the guy on that Bravo tv show Housewives of NY (embarassed to say I sometimes watch it) who helped one of the husbands stop smoking.  He taught us his techniques for weight loss and did a 10 minute exercise with us to help us lose weight as well.  He informed us that if we ate anything unhealthy, we'd feel nauseous.  If any of you reading this know about Kimballs Ice Cream, you'll understand why this made me a little nervous.  It's 5 minutes from my dads house and it's been a tradition to go there every time I visit.  So I skipped out on an ice cream that night, not wanting to puke it up and waste the money, but in the morning had forgotten about this suggestion and grabbed a sausage egg and cheese on an english muffin to hold me over.  Within an hour, I felt pretty crappy.  By noon I didn't know if I was going to live.  By 1pm I had to leave a workshop to puke.  The funny part is the workshop I left was titled "Imagery and Self Healing" and I thought, "C'mon baby, teach me how to heal this!  QUICK!"  The irony is still quite evident in my entire experience. 

So what made me sick?  Who knows.  Maybe I was just sick, maybe it was self sabotage, maybe it was because I ate crap for breakfast and this guy is really that good a hypnotist.  Which means I am now really that good as a hypnotist, because I can do the same thing.  I'm feeling better this morning, haven't eaten breakfast yet because I'm tempted to test out my mind one more time by perhaps adding a bit of ice cream to my belly.  I feel like I'm one of my clients who came for smoking cessation and then admitted it helped but didn't work 100%.  She then sheepishly admitted that it was, however, really hard to smoke the few cigarettes she opted for the next day.  Now that I've had this dialog, I think I'll just stick to the healthy route, bypass the ice cream and dig out some of my skinny clothes.  I'll be in them soon enough.

For any of you curious about what I can help you with, give me  a call or send me an email!  I have lots of new tricks up my sleeve and can't wait to show the world!

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