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Early Morning Riser

Sara Moore

As I sit here and type this it's 7:45am.  I have been up since before the sun today.  I have been having a difficult time turning off my brain lately, so this morning when it woke me up I thought, "Dammit!"  I'm going to start my day and over ride the voices in my head.  I was up and out the door by 6am, got a yummy bagel at Big Dave's in North Conway- best bagels EVER-, got a dark coffee from Starbucks- black-, and then drove to a pretty spot with fields and a river and enjoyed my crack of dawn breakfast while sitting in my car.  Funny that I spend so much time on the road that this morning it felt more comfortable than being confined in my real home.

It's been a pretty lovely morning actually.  It's drizzly, gray and cold.  If I thought I'd have any shot at going back to sleep I would consider going back to bed for a few hours.  Pointless!  So now I sit here, typing to you, listening to Johnny Cash radio on Pandora.  Nothing like a little Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson to quell the mindless inner chatter.

Today I'm going to focus on being present.  There is nothing I can change about my past, and my future is all dependent on what I do today.  And since I know where I want to be, I know that I have to keep my focus and be open to all that is unfolding around me.  Johnny's singing Folsom Prison Blues.  Kick ass song....  I'm going to go enjoy it. 

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