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Clean Slate

Sara Moore

I have been given a clean slate.  For about nine years I've been flying solo, working my butt off to simply survive.  First I had "real" jobs and dabbled with Reiki and card readings, then about six years ago I finally set out on my own to do what I really felt compelled to do, which is psychic readings for people and pets combined with some hypnosis and lots of energy work.

Remember the bobcat?

He represented fear. 

Fear of financial ruin, losing love (my cat Casper symbolizes true non judgmental love), fear of not being able to take care of my family, fear of being alone.  Fear of what if every time I take two steps forward I end up taking three steps back?

Well you know what?  I'm here to let you know loud and clear that a I've turned over a new leaf and I'm grateful for all of the love and joy I'm feeling.  I am financially sound.  I have my son, our cats, my family, my friends, my home, my car, my good health.  I am never really alone, especially with all the voices chirping away in my head!  LOL!  When I simply started moving forward with joy and confidence I forgot to look back to see if the bobcat was still chasing me.  I took a peek today, and it's not.  I released it's power over me by reclaiming my own.

The more I embrace where I find myself, the more I allow all this goodness and positivity to continue.  So thank you for being a part of my journey.  While I was doing a reading today I glanced over and saw my desk.  It's in the sun, with a beautiful happy plant and my work waiting for me to return to it.  This may sound a little strange, but it really does feel awesome to be me today and I'm expecting things to only keep getting better!

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