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Hidden Meanings

Sara Moore

When my mom died almost 13 years ago it was a shock. She was hit by a car at 7am on June 5th, 2001 on her morning walk, was life flighted twice and my dad pulled the plug by noon that day.  I didn't know about her death until 5pm when I got home from work.  To say my world was rocked is an understatement.

When my family arrived at my now dads house the next day, my hand tingled and I knew it was mom holding my hand, getting me through this horrific time of my life.  Her being with me energetically gave me peace.  And mind you, this was before I realized I could really chat with dead people.  But I knew it was her and I still believe it was.

That year the roses bloomed in dads yard.   He always loved roses and growing up we had them all around the pool.  Dad would grow them and mom would cut the buds to scatter around the house.  Each one was held in a precious little vase, making the space they were in seem much more alive.

The year mom died, Dad said that one of the bushes that had always been pink bloomed with a much more rose color.  My brother said that we were looking too hard to find her in things.  You know what?  I'm ok with that!  I WANT to see mom in everything!  My mother loved the prayer to St. Therese.  This is what I posted on her prayer card because she read it every night:

O Little Therese of the Child Jesus, Please pick a rose for me From the heavenly gardens And send it to me As a message of love.

O little flower of Jesus, Ask God today to grant the favors I now place with confidence In your hands.

(Mention your specific requests)

St. Therese, help me to always believe, As you did, In God's great love for me, So that I might imitate your "Little Way" each day. Amen

I think of my mother every single time I see roses.  I miss her more than ever but at the same time I'm so comforted by knowing she's right here with me.  So maybe now is a good time for you to try out her prayer and see what happens.  Look for the roses that bloom a different color! These are the ones that mean anything is possible. 

And Ma, while I have you on the line.  I miss you.  I hear you chatting with me and I thank you so much for getting me going on this path. I'm so grateful that I am 100% aware of your presence.  I just sometimes wish that you were 100% still here in body and flesh with me and Z.  But then, if you were, I wouldn't be on this crazy journey that I'm on I guess.  So thank you?

I'm looking forward to the day I get to see you again. 

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