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Enlightened Horizons
Sara Moore, Psychic Medium for People & Pets
Sara Moore
Mar 16, 20173 min read
Celebrate the Dead
Celebrate the dead? Yup. My mom was hit by a car and killed back in 2001. She was in a crosswalk and the glare of the sun blinded the...
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Sara Moore
Jan 5, 20173 min read
Dear Toddler Sara
So this is part 2 of my chatting with little Sara series. I'm doing this to help me better understand why I am the way I am and to let...
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Sara Moore
Jan 4, 20173 min read
Dear Baby Sara
Today I had a reading with my friend Chelsea Latham. She and I go about things in totally different ways, but she's really great at...
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Sara Moore
Dec 13, 20164 min read
Is Santa Real?
I knew this day was coming, but I wasn't ready for it. Zachary is in 5th grade and turned 11 last week. He is an only child and has...
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Sara Moore
Oct 3, 20165 min read
Going to the Light
My dear friend Suzanne lent me a book by Mayr Ann Winkowsky called When Ghosts Speak. I'm pretty sure I've read parts of it before, but...
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Sara Moore
Sep 26, 20163 min read
You Can Get There From Here
You know what I love? The Facebook on this day app that lets you know if you posted anything on Facebook a year ago that day. I find it...
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Sara Moore
Jul 18, 20163 min read
What Do You Say?
What do you say to a ten year old when you have to explain that black lives matter? What do you say when he hears that there was another...
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Sara Moore
Jul 12, 20163 min read
Today I had six readings and my son had no summer camp, which made things very interesting. I spent the first part of the day in the...
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Sara Moore
Apr 13, 20162 min read
Clean Slate
I have been given a clean slate. For about nine years I've been flying solo, working my butt off to simply survive. First I had "real"...
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Sara Moore
Mar 23, 20162 min read
My Auntie Anne
So today my Auntie Anne died. She was my godmother and my mothers sister. I found out this morning when my Auntie Janie called to tell...
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Sara Moore
Mar 18, 20164 min read
The Bobcat Incident
Most of you know that our sweet cat Casper was attacked by a bobcat on our deck February 26th. My son Z and I were just sitting down...
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Sara Moore
Jan 6, 20162 min read
Leaving Fear Behind
2016 is the year that I stake my claim to the life I am worthy of having. This is a life with love, joy, fun, silliness, abundance,...
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Sara Moore
Nov 18, 20153 min read
It's a "Real" Job
I'm sure many of you heard me tell the story about my son a few years ago, when he was embarassed about what I did for work and he didn't...
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Sara Moore
Oct 19, 20152 min read
New Life, New Love
On June 21st I decided that I'd harness the energy of the summer solstice and sat down with a pen and a new journal. I wrote "New...
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Sara Moore
Oct 6, 20152 min read
Eagle Dream
I have been wanting to sit down and tell you about this dream I had the other night and finally have a peaceful moment to do so. I...
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Sara Moore
Sep 1, 20152 min read
Answered Prayers
How do you know that your prayers are being answered? Sometimes all it takes it looking up from the day to day routine and having...
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Sara Moore
Jul 29, 20152 min read
More Than Just a Lion
This week an American killed a beautiful lion. He paid to have guides help him find it, then he hunted it down and killed it. It hurts...
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Sara Moore
Jul 21, 20152 min read
Blog Brain
I see the world in terms of blog potential. I've never really given much thought to whether or not that's a healthy perspective, but for...
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Sara Moore
Jul 7, 20153 min read
Chim Chimminey
So where the hell is my knight in shining armour? I have really been ok being alone for the past eight plus years. But tonight, I'm...
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Sara Moore
Jun 16, 20152 min read
Knock Knock
Knock Knock! Who's there? Opportunity. (silence) So what are you going to do? Open the door or act like you're not home? The choice is...
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Sara Moore
Jun 5, 20153 min read
15 Years
Today marks the day that 15 years ago my mother died. She was only 56, so when I think of her she's young and vibrant with her great...
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Sara Moore
May 29, 20152 min read
No Judgement
Today I did a really amazing reading with someone who has seen me face to face and had a phone reading before. She asked about her dogs,...
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Sara Moore
May 26, 20151 min read
God's Dry Erase Board
I had an interesting reading this morning with a woman who had lost a friend recently. She wanted reassurance that she was alright,...
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Sara Moore
May 18, 20153 min read
You know those moments, days or years when you get stuck on something or someone and you justs can't seem to let it or them go? Well, I...
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Sara Moore
May 14, 20151 min read
Faerie Oracle Cards for You
I really enjoyed pulling cards for you yesterday, so I'm doing it again today. I debated what to ask and finally settled on two...
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Sara Moore
May 13, 20152 min read
Card Reading
Quite often I get asked if I read cards. Yes. But not the way a traditional Tarot reader does. My psychic sense directs me more than...
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Sara Moore
May 12, 20152 min read
Inventory Time
Spring is a really good time to take inventory of your current situation. Not the past, not what you're going to have tomorrow, but...
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Sara Moore
May 11, 20152 min read
Yesterdays post is a good lead in to chat about expectations. Some part of me has this expectation that my son should want to put a worm...
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Sara Moore
May 10, 20153 min read
Mother's Day
Now if you could hear the sarcasm lacing the title "Mother's Day" you would know right away this isn't going to be a warm and fuzzy post...
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Sara Moore
Apr 27, 20152 min read
Two weeks ago I got the crud that has been going around. It started with the chills, then my skin hurt (if you've had it you know...
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Sara Moore
Mar 23, 20153 min read
On Track
I am not the psychic that sits and reads books on what I do. In college I read books on paganism simply because it fascinated me that...
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Sara Moore
Mar 18, 20154 min read
How to do a Clearing
I have had some pretty crazy and intense experiences with energy in my house. One time I could feel this mans energy walking towards my...
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Sara Moore
Feb 23, 20152 min read
Prayer for Peace
There have always been scary things happening in the world. I'm grateful I've grown up in a safe time and country, but that could...
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Sara Moore
Feb 23, 20153 min read
Chakra Clearing
What does a Chakra Clearing mean, anyway? I can only tell you what it means to me, and I may be oversimplifying it. We're all made of...
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Sara Moore
Feb 20, 20153 min read
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Years ago when I saw John Edward (Or Johnathan? The psychic, not the politician) on a television show the host asked him to do a quick...
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Sara Moore
Feb 19, 20154 min read
Did it Myself
The other day the bottom door to my woodstove got stuck on the ash drawer inside.  No matter what I tried I could not open it, which...
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Sara Moore
Feb 14, 20152 min read
Long Time No Chat
Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted! Which is funny, because I often see my life in mini blog posts. Apparently I've been...
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Sara Moore
Dec 21, 20143 min read
Hey Mom....
Have you met me? I like to talk. So does my child. He gets to sleep in my bed once a week and last night we snuggled up. I didn't...
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Sara Moore
Dec 20, 20143 min read
Farewell Sweet Sopha
On Thursday we said goodbye to our sweet Sophie. She was a 9 year old yellow lab, too young to die and too healthy looking to believe...
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Sara Moore
Dec 7, 20142 min read
Tuning In
I am so excited for the upcoming online classes I'm teaching! Starting the first week I'll be back to teaching my online Animal...
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Sara Moore
Nov 30, 20144 min read
Hi Mom
Every year when I decorate my Christmas tree I think of my mom and I chat with her as I pull the ornaments out of the box she so...
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Sara Moore
Nov 19, 20143 min read
Between Heaven and Here
Sometimes when I do a reading a spirit isn't all the way to the other side, which makes it much more challenging for me to "hear" them. ...
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Sara Moore
Nov 19, 20143 min read
Room 6
Today I had to take Sophie, our 9 year old yellow lab to the vets. She's been puking in the middle of the night for a while now and not...
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Sara Moore
Nov 14, 20142 min read
Lately I've been hearing songs that seem to be playing just for me. Has that happened to you? I love it! Sometimes during readings...
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Sara Moore
Nov 13, 20142 min read
It's been years since I have had someone in my life to come home to. A LOT of years, actually! And for the most part I've actually...
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Sara Moore
Nov 7, 20142 min read
Crying Like My Mom
Fridays are "date" night with my son and me. He gets home from school, we hang out, then watch a movie on Netflix and eat dinner in the...
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Sara Moore
Nov 5, 20142 min read
All About that Bass
I was thinking about writing a blog the other night while I was making the best lentil soup in the world. Really. It's amazing. But I...
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Sara Moore
Nov 1, 20142 min read
The Grass is Always Greener
Yesterday I was doing dishes (I don't use my dishwasher for some reason) and I was looking at my leaf covered lawn. I have a lot of...
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Sara Moore
Oct 27, 20143 min read
Busy Night
Wow. I had more crazy dreams last night! I have been on the road all weekend and was so excited to go to sleep last night! First of...
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Sara Moore
Oct 23, 20144 min read
God and Stuff
I have been trying to write a blog about this for a few days, but every time I started whatever I had in my head just wouldn't come out. ...
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